no reason ...

i like it when you — that is i, but in your case it's you — feel happy for no apparent reason; it is a good counterpoint to yesterday (and the day before) when you felt unhappy for no apparent reason.

funny, when you're happy it's fine that there is no apparent reason for it but when you are unhappy you're like, but ... i have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to be unhappy!

“I’m living the way I want to live, doing the work I want to do, and I’m being paid for it. What could be better than that?” as ali smith said to jeanette winterson in this lovely interview. quite. actually i think not being paid for it, which means people are not having to pay for your work, is even better but ok, not everyone is a retired australian academic living in an old monastery just north of the belgian border, frugally on a very modest pension, but nonetheless.

and i love that ali smith loves life❊ — and loving life for no apparent reason is best of all.

❊this puzzled l'astronave (where i learned of this interview) but she's working on it. i am one of the almost million. hi!