

Kernel of an interesting idea about the parallel between advent of the printing press and individualism and the advent of the internet and narcissism (and conspiracy theories) :

In the 15th century, the advent of printing presses accelerated individualism by enabling men and women to interpret scripture for themselves rather than rely on the teachings of religious gatekeepers. Where the printing press democratised the interpretation of information, the internet offers us the opportunity not just to interpret information but to mould it however we want. The conspiracy theorist who claims to have “worked things out for myself” is the ultimate intellectual narcissist. But we are all implicated: social media companies flatter us with algorithmically curated timelines which reflect our own views back at us. This is not just individualism but a form of infantile narcissism which allows us to perceive reality as nothing more than an extension of ourselves.

From the review of Joseph Henrich — The Weirdest People in the World by James Marriot in The Times (26-11-20)
