

if your life was a book, someone in the audience at de vereeniging in nijmegen in january this year asked nick cave, what would it be called and which chapter are you in now?

(this might be a question a #narrative therapist would ask someone that they are working with.)

i am close to the end, cave said, close to the epilogue but not quite there yet, except three quarters of the way through the book something happens which smashes the plot into a thousand pieces. and for the rest of my life i am occupied with putting those pieces back together in a way which is somewhat pleasurable.

he didn't say the title of the book but almost everyone who loves him, or who loves one or more of the chapters, would have a suggestion. mine is also the title of this post or maybe it would be better as the title of one of the early chapters, before he became nice.

listen to a blistering version of from her to eternity, full of menace and malice, at the end of this john peel session from 1984.

(i wish i could give you his exact words but unfortunately i've had to translate the dutch translation from the review of the gig back into english.)

Als je leven een boek zou zijn, hoe zou het dan heten en in welk hoofdstuk ben je nu?, luidde de eerste vraag uit de zaal. Ik ben dicht bij het einde, antwoordde Cave.

Dicht bij de epiloog, maar nog net niet daar. Alleen, op driekwart van het boek gebeurt er iets dat de plot volledig aan diggelen slaat. En de rest van mijn leven ben ik bezig de scherven op een enigszins plezierige manier aan elkaar te plakken.
